22nd November 2017

Brian Griffin, RAF Benson

As one of the UK’s most prominent portrait photographers, Brian Griffin has, for the majority of his career, been taking images of a world that seems imbued with a particularly British sensibility. And by that, we’re not alluding to our post-Brexit state of island insularity, but one that has consistently, yet perhaps secretly, embraced a sense of the anarchic (albeit somewhat ordered and exquisitely composed).

The established or establishment figure slightly repositioned with a sense of subversiveness; the absurdity of the workplace and class; a fascination with artists and creators. Combined with the influence of surrealism and the Renaissance masters and alongside his use of symbolism, noir-esque lighting, and post-industrial iconography, all these elements have converged to make for a profoundly idiosyncratic body of work.

For the latest issue of THE FALL, Brian went to RAF Benson to offer his singular vision of British life.









This article is taken from the latest issue of THE FALL available to purchase from nationwide retailers and our Shopify store here

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